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亚太卷:Charlotte Brontë(夏洛蒂 勃朗特)与Jane Eyre《简爱》节选;
北美卷:George Eliot(乔治 艾略特)与《织工马南》节选;
This passage is adapted from George Eliot, Silas Marner. Originally published in 1861.
Baby was christened, the rector deciding that a double baptism was the lesser risk toincur; and on this occasion Silas, making himself as clean and tidy as he could, appeared for the first time within the church, and shared in the observances held sacred by his neighbors. He was quite unable, by means of anything he heard or saw, to identify the Raveloe religion with his old faith; if he could at any time in his previous life have done so, it must have been by the aid of a strong feeling ready to vibrate with sympathy, rather than by a comparison of phrases and ideas: and now for long years that feeling had been dormant. He had no distinct idea about the baptism and the church-going, except that Dolly had said it was for the good of the child; and in this way, as the weeks grew to months, the child created fresh and fresh links between his life and the lives from which he had hitherto shrunk continually into narrower isolation. Unlike the gold which needed nothing, and must be worshipped inclose-locked solitude-- which was hidden away from the daylight, was deaf tothe song of birds, and started to no human tones-- Eppie was a creature of endless claims and ever-growing desires, seeking and loving sunshine, and living sounds, and living movements; making trial of everything, with trust in new joy, and stirring the human kindness in all eyes that looked on her. The gold had kept his thoughts in an ever-repeated circle, leading to nothing beyond itself; but Eppie was an object compacted of changes and hopes that forced his thoughts onward, and carried them far away from their old eager pacing towards the same blank limit -- carried them away to the new things that would come with the coming years, when Eppie would have learned to understand how her father Silas cared for her; and made him look for images of that time in the ties and charities that bound together the families of his neighbors. The gold had asked that he should sit weaving longer and longer, deafened and blinded more and more to all things except the monotony of his loom and the repetition of his web; but Eppie called him away from his weaving, and made him think all its pauses a holiday, reawakening his senses with her fresh life, even to the old winter-flies that came crawling forth in the early spring sunshine, and warming him into joy because she had joy.
And when the sunshine grew strong and lasting, so that the buttercups were thick in the meadows, Silas might be seen in the sunny midday, or in the late afternoon when the shadows were lengthening under the hedge rows, strolling out with uncovered head to carry Eppie beyond the Stone-pits to where the flowers grew, till they reached some favourite bank where he could sit down, while Eppie toddled to pluck the flowers, and make remarks to the winged things that murmured happily above the bright petals, calling "Dad-dad's" attention continually by bringing him the flowers. Then she would turn her ear to some sudden bird-note, and Silas learned to please her by making signs of hushed stillness, that they might listen for the note to come again: so that when it came, she set up her small back and laughed with gurgling triumph. Sitting on the banks in this way,Silas began to look for the once familiar herbs again; and as the leaves, with their unchanged outline and markings, lay on his palm, there was a sense of crowding remembrances from which he turned away timidly, taking refuge in Eppie's little world, that lay lightly on his enfeebled spirit.
As the child's mind was growing into knowledge, his mind was growing into memory: as her life unfolded, his soul, long stupefied in a cold narrow prison, was unfolding too, and trembling gradually into full consciousness.
It was an influence which must gather force with every new year: the tones that stirred Silas's heart grew articulate, and called for more distinct answers; shapes and sounds grew clearer for Eppie's eyes and ears, and there was more that "Dad-dad" was imperatively required to notice and account for. Also,by the time Eppie was three years old, she developed a fine capacity for mischief, and for devising ingenious ways of being troublesome, which found much exercise, not only for Silas's patience, but for his watchfulness and penetration. Sorely was poor Silas puzzled on such occasions by the incompatible demands of love.
乔治 艾略特(George Eliot)
英国作家。原名玛丽·安·伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans),1819年出生在华威郡一个中产阶级商人家庭,19世纪英语文学最有影响力的小说家之一。乔治·艾略特所塑造的人物具有很高的艺术价值,而不像有的批评家所说的是"狭隘的维多利亚时期道德教条"的传声筒。作者本人也曾辩解说:"我的作用是美学意义上的陶冶,而非充当教化的老师——我的目的是要唤起社会道义所呼唤的高尚情感,而不是为社会规定什么。"为了达到这一"目的"。作者在人物塑造方面注重的是其艺术感染力而不是别的东西,而且她出色的人物塑造技巧使她达到了这一"目的"。
The Mill onthe Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
(1) 通读小说,重点关注小说中的人物特征和人物关系,尤其是各种能够体现人物特征和关系的细节用语;同时,SAT小说属于节选,800-1000字的篇幅中,人物特征和关系一定是会重复2-4次不等的,所以最开始如果没读进去,放轻松,你有2-4次机会,可以把握住这些人物特征和关系;
(2)做Detached Observer(有距离的读者),对人物特征和关系,要观察、体会,不要评价、脑补;
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